Who am I?

My photo
Monrovia, Liberia
I live in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa with my wife and youngest son. We are recently arrived in Liberia where we are serving as missionaries with Evangelical Church Missions working under the Liberia Evangelical Mission. For most of the last thirty years we have served under ECM in Bolivia, South America. We are the happy parents of four children and the proud grandparents of two grandchildren.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

More In-Between

As noted in the last post, we are in the in-between, waiting for the date of our departure for Liberia. As I have said before, waiting is not my favorite activity. I like to know when I am going somewhere so I can be ready. I have tried setting dates for Liberia but none of them so far have materialized. You may have even noticed in the Prayer Prompter that I enthusiastically mentioned that we hoped to be in Liberia by the end of March. That, however, was an overeager goal that will not be met. But even though I don't like waiting I am very thankful to God for what he is doing in us in the in-between, preparing us for Liberia.

As we wait we have the privilege to be participating in a program of restoration and personal growth for missionaries. As such we have had the opportunity to meet other missionaries and share together, do some things together as a couple to improve our own communication skills, and generally be prepared emotionally and spiritually for what lies ahead.

One of the good things that has come out of this time is that Mark has been able to take art lessons at a small gallery. We knew that he had the talent but, being on the road and not really settled during our last stint in Bolivia, he has not had much chance to simply paint. During these days of waiting he has had ample opportunity to practice. I am quite impressed with his skill and I thank God for giving him the opportunity to take these classes.

Also I have been able to take an on-line course in Islam. No, I am not getting ready to convert but with the Islamic presence in Liberia I have felt the need to better understand its belief system. It has been an interesting introduction but has also made me so thankful to know and serve the true God of the universe, one who loves us and is full of mercy and grace. My plan is to take some deeper Islamic studies down the road.

One of the other fun things is that we are car shopping. We have made the decision that it will be best to purchase a car in the US and ship it to Liberia. I have never purchased a car in the US before so this is kind of fun. While I don't have a lot of mechanical skills (did I say I don't have a lot? I really don't have any.) it has been fun looking and test driving. We are down to two vehicles. Now comes the hard part of making that final choice.

So, all in all, as we continue to wait, we will be content for the blessings that come our way today while eagerly anticipating our final departure and beginning of our new Liberian adventure.