I had the great opportunity, in mid-January, of visiting
three villages where the Liberia Evangelical Mission (LEM) is opening churches.
These villages are all outside of Monrovia and in different counties than the
city. One of the villages is in Margibi County and the other two in Bong
County. (Liberia is divided into 15 Counties.) The trip was a quick one with
lots of things packed into the four days that we were gone.
The first day we drove on a beautiful, paved highway from
Monrovia to the town of Salala. (Disclaimer: All names of towns and people are
subject to change. I find it very difficult to obtain correct spellings and
names of both people and communities.) From there we left the paved road to go
on a “good” rock and dirt road. We drove perhaps for 45 minutes until reaching
the small community where we would be leaving the car for the night. Except for
being rough, the road provided no challenges with the exception of four
bridges. The first bridge was swaybacked with a large hole on one side. The
next two had their own peculiar challenges while the last one appeared too
narrow for the car’s wheelbase. With the help of “Officer” Pastor Joe Greene
who got out at each place and guided me, we crossed without incident. I did
find it interesting that at the bridge with the hole everyone got out so only
the white missionary would go down with the ship!
Leaving the car in the care of the people in the village, we
prepared to hike in to our destination, Gbato Town (silent “g”). I knew that we
would be hiking so as I packed my things I included only what I considered
essentials because I didn’t want to pack too much weight. What no one told me
is that I would not be responsible for packing more than my camera and water
bottle. As we prepared to leave the car, one of the sisters told me to give her
my backpack. I did, not realizing that she was gong to wear it. “Give it back.
I’m not going to have a woman carry my pack!” So she obediently took it off and
it was then taken from me again and given to a boy nine or ten years old. He
would be the one to pack it. There were boys, women and men ready to carry our
things. If I had known that I would have brought a lot more.
There might be something wrong about this picture - women and children carrying stuff while the grown men walk unburdened. |
The hike in was not too strenuous, mostly just hot. We did
cross a couple of rivers on logs but nothing very unnerving. When we reached
Gbato Town the town’s children met us while singing to welcome us. I appeared
to be a special source of interest for the children who followed me while
singing their song. My white skin and hairy arms are often of interest to
Liberian children.
This is the little guy that willingly carried my backpack in and out at the first village. |
We soon met the pastor of the church (who is also the chief
of the community) and were escorted to the simple mud-brick structure that
serves as a meeting place for the church. There we were formally welcomed to
the village by the pastor in his role as chief, who offered us cola nuts as a
traditional sign of greeting. We also had a short meeting with the church
people. That evening after a really good supper of rice and chicken, we were
given hot water for an evening bath. Following bath time there was another
meeting with church leaders and others who cared to join in. The next morning
was a devotional service with the church people, followed by a hot breakfast of
yams and cassava and then goodbyes and the hike back to the car.
Pastor Adolpho who is also the town chief. |
We met the sister of the pastor returning from the water hole. It made me think of Jesus and the Woman at the Well |
A new taste treat - some kind of wild fruit. You suck the slime off of the seed and spit it all out. |
The bath house. The floor was a little muddy but the water was hot! |
Members of the church. |
The biggest needs of this community are training for church
leaders and a school for the children to
learn how to read and write. We are
praying that God will help provide what is needed. There is a teacher available
for the school and room for a building. School supplies and both secular and
Christian educational materials are needed.
Posing for a picture in front of the church building. |
Back in our car we returned to the paved highway to continue
to the next town of Totota. There we met with a group of seven or eight pastors
from the area who have heard of LEM and are interested in knowing more about
us. After a quick meeting we headed out to Sackie Bomota, Bong County. We drove
about an hour on a road with lots of not so good stretches before coming
literally to the end of the road where we parked the car in the yard of a
family who had agreed to guard it for us. Then it was pack up and be off. Just
as at the first stop, there were people waiting to help us carry our stuff,
both young men and women. This hike in was around an hour and a half over a
much more difficult path, one with lots of roots, rocks, ups and downs and half
a dozen bamboo pole bridges to cross. None of the rivers nor streams that we
crossed were raging but during the rainy season would be much more formidable.
Lots of kids in Sackie Bomota. |
This little guy is within a week of the same age of our youngest grandchild. It was fun to hold him. |
This is a part of the land given to the church. |
The school. |
When we arrived at the church, which was a little bit
outside of the community, there were a number of people waiting for us. (The
church structure was made entirely of bamboo poles and fronds. Quite adequate
for now but in need of being replaced before the rains begin.) After a short
discussion with them and agreement over the schedule during our day we went on
to the village where the town chief and church leaders officially welcomed us
with cola nuts. At suppertime we were served a meal of rice, chicken and Bamboo
Worms (grubbs) for dessert. (Yes, I ate them. No, they were not raw but fried.)
Supper. |
Rice and meat. |
Dessert - yummy grubs! |
Following supper we returned to the church for a meeting with town and church
people. Early the next morning we had a devotional time at the church with the members
and then were off again, hiking back to the car.
Those at the church meeting including representative from other communities. |
The church people. |
Lots of children. |
The outside of the school. |
The main needs in this community are training for church
leaders and school supplies. The church has opened a school but lacks supplies
for the teachers and children. Also, there were representatives from at least
seven other communities that came to meet us and learn about LEM. There is a
great need for established churches and schools in this area. We will see what
God may have in store for LEM to help meet the need.
The church at Ziensu |
The view from the church. |
Back at the car we reloaded and headed off for the last
village. First we drove on the highway until reaching Ziensu, also in Bong
County. From there we again left the highway on a rock and dirt road until we
reached the place where the car would be left. This time, however, it was only
ten to fifteen minutes of driving. We left the car at a children’s home. The
pastor/teacher who runs the home and its associated church and school was
waiting for us with a team of boys to carry in our things. This last walk was
both the shortest and the easiest of the three hikes. (On the way into this
village we passed some people who were making Palm Butter. They also had
captured some baby opossums and had them in a barrel. They were gone when we
returned the next day so I suspect that the opossums were supper the night
Breakfast time. |
Rice. |
Yams, sweet potatoes, banana and cassava. |
The church at this community was also meeting in a temporary
Bamboo structure. At the church we were again welcomed by the town chief with
the traditional cola nuts and words of welcome. We followed the same schedule –
meeting in the evening and devotional time in the morning. That night the
weather was cold. Now, don’t think Minnesota cold, but Liberian cold. This was
the first time in Liberia that I wished that I had brought a coat to wear. In
the morning we were served a first breakfast of yams, plantains, sweet potatoes
and cassava. There was a second breakfast served as we were preparing to return
to the car so we were well fueled for the journey.
Mud bricks for a permanent structure. |
Drying in the sun. |
Lasts a long time. |
The main need in this community is for pastoral and church
leadership training. While there is no school, the community has entered into
agreement with the school were we left our car to have the village children attend
Kids at church. |
He finally did figure out that he had them on upside-down. |
Church drummer. |
This was now our last day but before returning home we
needed to continue up the highway to the city of Gbarnga (silent “g”, silent
“r”). There we were to meet with the pastor of a small group of believers who
are meeting together for Bible studies and to look at a house available for LEM
to rent as a meeting place. The pastor was unable to meet with us; he is
finishing his high school education and had to be in class for a test but we
were able to meet with some of the people.
Pastor Bill from Careysburg is considering whether the Lord is leading him to minister in Gbarnga. |
The available house. Good location. |
The people we met with from the Bible study group. |
We then began the uneventful journey
down the highway back home to Monrovia.
I came away from this trip with several ovservations:
1 – Deep fat fried worms are not all that bad to eat.
2 – Everyone who does a service for you needs to receive a
small small tip (small small is Liberian for small). So you give a small small
tip to the people who carried your backpack. A small small tip to the cooks. A
small small tip to the pastor. A small small offering to the church and school.
A small small offering to the Lutheran pastor (you read that right – but I did
resist giving one to the Methodist minister. That might have been a mistake as
I discovered after we were gone that he was the town chief.) Something small
small to the members of the team. A small small tip to the people who guarded
the car and even a small small something to the old man and lady who just
happened to be there. You can be small smalled to death but I am told that now
when I return I will be welcomed with open arms.
3 – School needs cannot be ignored. God has given us a book.
We need to be able to read it. School is necessary even if it is not an ideal
situation. In the one community were there was a school, it consists of one
room divided in half by a sheet. Kids are crowded into both sides of the room
without desks and writing materials. But they are there to learn. Teachers need
our help.
4 – While we cannot wait around until we have everything in
place before starting churches, we must waste no time in extending training to
these pastors in remote areas. There is no internet or phone service so
training must be face to face.
5 – Ford Motor Company deserves our thanks for building such
a good vehicle as our Everest is proving to be.
6 – The needs are too great for LEM to meet alone. We
desperately need financial resources from others to help meet the needs that we
have encountered. While LEM cannot expect others to pay all of the cost and
needs to do what it can, bearing one another’s burdens means that those of us
who have so much should be willing to give at least a small small amount of
help so that there can be a big big difference in the lives of our Liberian
brothers and sisters.