No offense meant to Julie Andrews, Rogers and Hammerstein or María van Trapp, but wild geese that fly may be one of their favorite things but I find nothing favorable about wild goose chases myself. Today, for instance. I had a fairly defined list of what I needed to do, in order.
1. Go to the seamstress and turn in torn pants while picking up repaired skirt. Maybe can fix pants while waiting.
2. Take car to mechanic (again) because air conditioning still not working after paying for repair.
3. Go to print shop to pick up evangelism booklets that are ready as of almost a week ago.
4. Take electric drill to repair shop.
5. Buy peanut butter.
6. Go to lawyer's office and pick up tax certificate.
Here's how the morning went.
1. Leave torn pants but don't pick up skirt because skirt not done yet. Come back tomorrow.
2. Air conditioning working today so no use to go to mechanic. Try again tomorrow.
3. After paying don't pick up booklets because they are not ready yet. Come back tomorrow.
4. Don't leave drill at repair shop as they no longer do the work there. Take to other location tomorrow.
5. Buy peanut butter. (Some small things go right once in a while.)
6. Lawyer's phone rings busy but no one in office. Go back tomorrow.
So you get the picture. One out of six ain't bad. Some days it might not even be that good.
I usually am not one to wax poetic about such matters. Nor am I prone to find deep spiritual truths in all of life's petty problems but one thought came to me (surprise) as I was coming home from my wild goose chase. Isn't it good that God goes on wild goose chases? Maybe I should say sheep chases.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way. And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6)
Merry Christmas.
ps: I cannot figure out how to put captions on my pictures so here is the caption for the photo attached with this article. "I don't have a picture of wild geese or sheep so this cow outside our church will have to do."
The Rest of the Story:
So I went back this afternoon to try to get the drill turned in to the repair shop. All well and good. But on the way home the car died again. Fortunately it was only a couple of blocks from the mechanic. The diagnosis: fuel pump.
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