Who am I?

My photo
Monrovia, Liberia
I live in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa with my wife and youngest son. We are recently arrived in Liberia where we are serving as missionaries with Evangelical Church Missions working under the Liberia Evangelical Mission. For most of the last thirty years we have served under ECM in Bolivia, South America. We are the happy parents of four children and the proud grandparents of two grandchildren.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Farewell Bolivia (At Least For A While)

Today is the end of an era for the Elliott’s. We go to the airport tonight for our 2:30 am departure to the States. Thank you to all who have prayed for us and given financially to make this past term possible.

Ch’airo will continue but at a more infrequent pace. I will try to keep both the prayer request and schedule pages more or less up to date.

Before I go I want to share a couple of lists:  First, what I won’t miss about Bolivia:

All things chuño
Long lines and perceived inefficiency in government offices
Road blocks, strikes and demonstrations
The inability to buy a replacement washer instead of having to buy a whole new faucet
Loud music at church

Things I will miss:
Cecilia Canny
Hershey (our dog)
Faithful co-workers and best friends
Pollo al horno (oven baked chicken)
Yuca frita (fried yucca)
IC Norte food court and Wednesday shopping dates
Hot and muggy days
The hermanos (the brothers) from the church

So that is it. A lot more could be added to both lists but one thing remains the same no matter if we are in Bolivia or the US. The faithfulness of God will continue and will both lead us and supply our needs no matter what, where or when.

We’ll see you in the States.

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