Who am I?

My photo
Monrovia, Liberia
I live in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa with my wife and youngest son. We are recently arrived in Liberia where we are serving as missionaries with Evangelical Church Missions working under the Liberia Evangelical Mission. For most of the last thirty years we have served under ECM in Bolivia, South America. We are the happy parents of four children and the proud grandparents of two grandchildren.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Living In The in-Between

As I wrote in the last post, we have been farewelled out of Bolivia and now are living in the in-between time until we are able to go to Liberia. These weeks have been filled with travel and family time. We spent Thanksgiving in Indiana with our extended family, Christmas and New Year’s in Texas with our daughter Heather and her husband Jeremy, and now we are in Oregon staying with our son Daniel and his family for about three weeks. Next we will be off to Fresno for the month of February and finally, we hope, to Liberia in March. Our arrival date there will be determined by the current state of the Ebola crisis and the brothers’ readiness to receive us. While I don't particularly enjoy living in the in-between, it is a necessary part of life sometimes. I am discovering that it also requires a new sort of trust in the Lord. If I was inclined to sermonize I would say something about we all are living in the in-between as we await the coming of the Lord. But I will resist and leave that up to you.

Some of the highlights of these past weeks were:

Visiting the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas at the sight of the JFK assassination.

Window where Oswald shot from

The publication of our daughter Heather’s new novel.

Heather and Jeremy Neill

Getting to meet our new granddaughter and having lots of grandparent time with both our grandkids as well as time with all four of our kids.

I got to dedicate our granddaughter Maerah