Who am I?

My photo
Monrovia, Liberia
I live in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa with my wife and youngest son. We are recently arrived in Liberia where we are serving as missionaries with Evangelical Church Missions working under the Liberia Evangelical Mission. For most of the last thirty years we have served under ECM in Bolivia, South America. We are the happy parents of four children and the proud grandparents of two grandchildren.

Monday, January 11, 2010

And The Leadership Adventure Begins

On Sunday I began teaching a class on leadership at our Linage of God church. I had 13 students come and boy did they blow my first illustration all to bits. The lesson of the first class is that leadership is serving not bossing. So, to start, I wanted to boss them around to do all kinds of little tasks without saying please or thank you. The problem was, they started to do some of the things without being bossed first. And then there was no reaction to my ordering them around. When I asked how they felt they replied, "Useful!" So much for the first lesson in servanthood. I guess they didn't need it.

I have been in Bolivia since 1986 and in Santa Cruz the last twelve of those years but they still confuse my name. Am I Elliott Gordon or Gordon Elliott? So I wrote both options on the white board to try to clear up the confusion. I cleared up the confusion all right and discovered that I had written my name in permanent marker instead of dry erase. So I guess my corrected name will be there for all to see for a long time to come!

Next I asked them to draw a picture of what a leader looks like. (See the artwork below.)

Please pray for this group of leaders, many of them young adults, as we together explore what true leadership is all about. And pray for me as I lead them that I too will learn more about being the leader that God wants me to be.

Interpretation of art work #1: A leader must have a big heart, many hands to help, eyes to see and be guided by the Bible. (I liked the fact that this one was a woman.)

Interpretation of art work #2: A leader must have ideas, leave a clear path for others to follow and carry the concerns of his followers, hence, the backpack. (I liked the backpack concept.)

Interpretation of art work #3: A leader must have hands to serve, feet to serve, and a heart to serve. (I liked the emphasis on serving.)

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